Engelse boeken, Recensies

A Rivalry of Hearts

A Rivalry of Hearts

Tessonja Odette

Fae Flings and Corset Strings #1

Chrystal Moon Press

June 12, 2022 by Devika

Waardering: 4 uit 5.

A Rivalry of Hearts is the first part in the Fae Flings and Corset Strings series by Tessonja Odette. This book will take place in the same world as The Fair Isle trilogy and the Entangled with Fae series. I was really excited for a new series by this author and couldn’t wait to dive in. Will this book meet my expectations?

Edwina is a human author but is now published in Faerwyvae. She is supposed to do a book tour, but has arrived a little bit to late. This fault has big results, she has to share her book tour with William Haywood and her contract balancing on a thin edge. After a drunk night she ends up in a spicy bet. Who will win the publishing contract?

Both Edwina en William have a good reason to win the contract. Their bet soon leads to some tense nights. However William didn’t make the bet to make fun, he wants something more. I really loved the two of them. They are real enemies to lovers, which is really awesome!

I did like the fact Gemma, from A Curse of the Wolf King, was featured in this story as well. It connects the stories even more to the Faerwyvae world. Tessonja Odette has a nice writing style which is easy to read. This book is one of her spiciest yet and I can’t wait to continue in this series. I really enjoyed reading A Rivalry of Hearts and give it a 4 star rating.

About A Rivalry of Hearts

Two rival writers.
One prestigious publishing contract.
A bargain of hearts and seduction.

They say never bargain with the fae. They also say don’t get drunk on fae wine. Yet romance author Edwina Danforth has managed a blunder with both on her first visit to the infamous faelands. Now she’s trapped in a magic-fueled bet she barely remembers with a man she’d be happier to forget. The terms? Whoever can bed the most lovers during their month-long dueling book tour wins a coveted publishing contract.

The win should be easy for Edwina. She’s known for penning scintillating tales of whirlwind romance. There’s just one her imagination vastly exceeds her bedroom experience. But when failure means plummeting her career back into obscurity, losing isn’t an option.

Her handsome fae rival, William Haywood, poses an even greater challenge. Not only are his looks as aggravatingly perfect as his track record behind closed doors, but he has his own reasons for playing to win, and he won’t go down without a fight. Unless, of course, it’s a different kind of going down. In that case, he’s fair game.

Edwina and William clash in a rivalry of romance. But what happens when their objects of desire…turn out to be each other?

Engelse boeken, Recensies

A Fate of Flame

A Fate of Flame

Tessonja Odette

Prophecy of the Forgotten Fae #3

Chrystal Moon Press

December 18, 2023 by Devika

Waardering: 3.5 uit 5.

A Fate of Flame is the third and final part in the Prophecy of Forgotten Fae series by Tessonja Odette. This book was previously published as Shades of Prophecy, but is now rewritten with plot and name changes. I enjoyed reading the previous parts and was curious about what else there is to come in this series. What will Tessonja Odette have in store for her readers?

An ancient prophecy.
A destiny of flame.
A war to end two worlds…

A dark prophecy binds Cora’s fate to the fae realm—a world that would have been her doom if she hadn’t escaped with her life. Now she’s determined to put destiny behind her and focus on her world, her kingdom, and her much-anticipated wedding. But when dragons emerge from the veil between worlds, threatening her land with deadly flame, she must return to the fae and make allies of those who had once condemned her to die.

Yet dragons and fae are the least of her foes. Her greatest enemy marches on her kingdom, and he won’t stop until he controls fae magic. Fate and fire collide, but Cora isn’t alone. She, Teryn, Mareleau, and Larylis each have a role to play in protecting two realms from an ancient king who can walk between worlds. When the dust clears and the ashes settle, will the embers of hope remain?

At first I really had to get into the story. I had some high expectations, but unfortunatly can’t say this book meets all of them. I was hoping to get Teryn, Marelau and Cora better, however it seemed to be mostly about Marelau and Cora. This book is full of magic, mystery and adventure. The worldbuilding is really amazing, making this book feel very real.

Even though I hoped to read more about Teryn, which wasn’t the case, there was enough room for character development. Both Marelau and Cora have things they yet have to discover. I also like the forest witches very much and there was much to learn from them. In addition, you will also get to see another side of the villian which I enjoyed reading.

I enjoyed reading A Fate of Flame. It might not have been the book I expected it to be, however I had fun while reading. Therefore I give this last part in the Prophecy of Forgotten Fae series a 3,5 star rating.

Also make sure to check out my reviews of Tessonja’s other series

Engelse boeken, Recensies

A Dream So Wicked

A Dream So Wicked

Tessonja Odette

Entangled with Fae #5

Chrystal Moon Press

July 1, 2023 by Devika

Waardering: 3.5 uit 5.

A Dream So Wicked is the fifth part in a series of fairytale retellings. In this fourth installment of the Entangled with Fae series, the story of Sleeping Beauty is retold. I’ve read every single book in this series and loved every one of them. What will she have in store for this book?

A vicious rivalry.
A forbidden desire.
A curse only her enemy can break.

Briony grew up in a convent, when suddenly on her last day there her parents have come to claim her. She is a lost fae princess and must marry a wealthy human to save her family. Even though she is attracted to the baker called Thorne who has come to collect her, she has to do this for her family. But when she turns out to be Thornes nemesis, she is in danger. He can control her with a single touch and uses this to make Briony trigger the sleeping curse on her family. They must make a bargain to save her family and marriage. He will help her with her marriage but may not control her again. But neither of them expected the forbidden desire burning between them. What will these rivals do? Will Briony be able to break the curse on her family?

A Dream So Wicked can be read as a standalone, but some charachters you might recognise if you’ve read the other books in this series. Briony was already introduced in A Taste of Poison, however Thorne was an unknown charachter for me. In this book you will both of them very well. However I must admit Briony and Thorne are my least favorite main characters by Tessonja Odette so far. I don’t know why, but I just like them less.

In A Dream So Wicked you will experience the personal growth of Briony but also the rival she can be. She and Thorne have to work togethere to wake their families, however all they want is to be free and happy. Therefore I think this book could have been so much better if it just focussed on their relationship, in stead of being a whole rescue mission. Tessonja Odette has a great writing style, however this book just couldn’t get me hooked.

Even though I am a big fan of Tessonja Odette, this book just was a little bit disappointing for me. Don’t get me wrong, I still really enjoyed the story however I think it could just have more of that magic spark all of her other books do have. Nevertheless I am still curious about what else there is to come, and look forward to reading her next books.

Engelse boeken, Recensies

A Cage of Crystal

A Cage of Crystal

Tessonja Odette

Prophecy of the Forgotten Fae #2

Chrystal Moon Press

January 29, 2023 by Devika

Waardering: 4 uit 5.

A Cage of Crystal is the second part in the Prophecy of Forgotten Fae series by Tessonja Odette. This book was previously published as Veil of Mist, but now it has gone through a rewrite, with plot and name changes. I really loved the first rewritten part in this series, and couldn’t wait to continue reading. What will I think of this part?

A mysterious crystal.
A legacy of shadows.
The prophecy unfolds…

Cora never wanted to return to her royal life, but with the kingdom and her brother’s life at stake, she must reclaim her title. Trapped in a world full of cruel politics, she must hide her magic and feelings for Teryn. While all he want is her forgiveness, but makes a big mistake with his feeling unleashing older threats. Cora and Teryn are trapped in a world of lies, hidden memories and deadly magic. To save Teryn from the evil inside him, Cora and Teryn must learn more about the past of the kingdoms. What secrets do the kingdoms hide? Can Cora save Teryn or will darkness return in a way no one expected?

I had high expectations for this book because of the first part, and I can definetly say they have come true. Even though I had to come into the story, since it was over half a year ago I read the first part, I really enjoyed it. This book just has so many plottwists you want to keep reading. The magic, mystery, enemies-to-lovers romance and the great world building are all present in this book making this another awesome read from this author.

Cora en Teryn are the main characters in this book, therefore the book has switching point-of-views. Even though the book is written more from Cora’s point of view, you will also learn more about Teryn. They both have their own things to figure out. In addition, you will learn more about Marelau and Larylis, who also have a great story to tell. I hope this will end in a spin off series sometime.

I really loved A Cage of Crystal and can’t wait for the next part in this series, which will be a rewriting of Shades of Prophecy. This part will be called A Fate of Flame and will be the end to the trilogy. I really hope this book will be published soon, so I can continue on in this magical story!

Engelse boeken, Recensies

Married by Scandal

A Taste of Poison

Tessonja Odette

Arranged Marriages of the Fae #3

Chrystal Moon Press

September 23, 2022 by Devika

Waardering: 4 uit 5.

Married by Scandal is the third part of a new series by several authors, which is called Arranged Marriages of the Fae series. This book is also a spin off by The Fair Isle Trilogy by Tessonja Odette. If you would like to know more about the main character called Amelie, I highly recommend you to read this trilogy first. However this book can be read as a standalone. I always love the books by this author, but what will I think of this part?

She’ll marry a prince if she must.
But fall in love?

Amelie is a fashion designer who promised she would never fall in love again, and her heart now belongs to her sister. Now political problems are coming closer and Amelie is the largest scandal in court she is set into an arranged marriage with a human prince to solidify peace. During the engagement tour she must convince the court she is happily in love, but what if the prince isn’t who he seems to be. What is the person she thought was the prince, isn’t the prince at all? Can Amelie keep her engament convincing, or will she lose her heart yet again with all dangers that will bring?

Married by Scandal is a bit different from the other books by this author, since this book isn’t a retelling. However this book still has the same romantic sphere I really love. This book is all about the romance. However both main characters didn’t really want to marry, they have to. They both decide to make it seem like they are in love, but for real they leave each other alone.

I really loved the way Tessonja Odette has worked out the main characters. You will get to know both them, as well as their scandals. In addition, the author takes you on a tour to the most popular places in Faerwyvae. The worldbuilding is great, and the writing style is super smooth.

I really enjoyed reading Married by Scandal, and am also curious about the other books in this series. I give this book a 4 star rating, and look forward to other books by Tessonja Odette in the future.

Engelse boeken, Recensies

A Taste of Poison

A Taste of Poison

Tessonja Odette

Entangled with Fae #4

Chrystal Moon Press

August 10, 2022 by Devika

Waardering: 4 uit 5.

A Taste of Poison is the fourth part in a series of fairytale retellings. In this fourth installment of the Entangled with Fae series, the story of Snow White is retold. I’ve read every single book by Tessonja Odette so far, and enjoyed every one of them. Can she make me fall in love with this book?

A runaway princess wanted for murder.
A deadly huntsman who’s after her heart…

Astrid is a princess wanted for murder even though she is innocent, and with her magic gifts as a mirror she is used to be disliked. She has to hide from her stepmother, the Spring Queen Tris. But Tris won’t leave Astrid alone. She hires a bear shifter Torben to get her Astrids heart, and in return she will free him from his sentence. Can Torben get Astrids heart to Tris? Can Astrid prove she is innocent before it is to late?

A Taste of Poison can be read as a standalone, but some charachters you might recognise if you’ve read the other books in this series. The huntsman was already introduced short in Kiss of the Selkie, however Astrid was an unknown charachter for me. In this book you will both get to know Astrid and Torben very well. They both share some things in their personalities, however both have their own problems too.

In A Taste of Poison you will see an building romance throughout the story as well as a lot of mystery. This book is a fantasy romance in which Tessonja Odette will take you on a search for the murderer. Tessonja Odette has a great writing style, so I wanted to keep reading throughout the whole story. For me the true reveal in the end didn’t really come as a surprise, however I still really loved this book.

I fell in love with this book by Tessonja Odette and can say that I am a big fan of her books. I can’t wait what this author has in store for the future. I really look forward to the story of Briony Rose, which will be a Sleeping Beauty retelling called A Dream So Wicked.

Engelse boeken, Recensies

A Throne of Shadows

A Throne of Shadows

Tessonja Odette

Prophecy of the Forgotten Fae #1

Chrystal Moon Press

May 4, 2022 by Devika

Waardering: 4 uit 5.

A Throne of Shadows is the first part in the Prophecy of Forgotten Fae series by Tessonja Odette. Previously she has published as Shadows of Lela, but now it has gone through a rewrite, with plot and name changes. I haven’t read Shadows of Lela but it was on my tbr for a while, so when I heard that this book was going to be republished I couldn’t wait to read it. But will this book be just as good as I expect it to be?

A feisty outlaw.
A conniving prince.
A war of magic and shadows.

Cora wants to take revenge on the mage who framed her for murder. Hiding in the woods and learning about her magic, she finds out about the mages plan to hunt fearie creatures. Cora will do anything to save them, but at what cost? Meanwhile prince Teryn ends up in an impossible contest for a marriage that could save his country from bankrupt. However he comes across Cora in his search for the one thing the princess wants for her hand. What does the princess want? Why does the mage hunt fearie creatures? Can Cora en Teryn succeed their missions?

A Throne of Shadows is the fifth book I’ve read by Tessonja Odette, and I can really say I am a huge fan of this author. The way she manages to put the fantasy to the foreground, but also the way the charachters are worked out is really awesome!

I had high expectations for this book, and I can definetly say they have come true. This book just has it all. The mystery, fantasy, slow-building romance and the great world building are all present in this book making this another awesome read from this author.

Cora en Teryn are both the main characters in this book, therefore the book has switching point-of-views. Both of them have their own story to tell, and Tessonja Odettte has managed to make their stories into one.

I really loved A Throne of Shadows and can’t wait for the next part in this series. This one was previously called Veil of Mist but it will be republished as A Cage of Crystal.

Engelse boeken, Recensies

Kiss of the Selkie

Kiss of the Selkie

Tessonja Odette

Entangled with Fae #3

Chrystal Moon Press

December 31, 2021 by Devika

Waardering: 4 uit 5.

Kiss of the Selkie is the third part in a series of fairytale retellings. In this third installment of the Entangled with Fae series, the story of The little mermaid is retold.

Maisie is on the run, but is caught by her stepmother. She is put into a really difficult dilemma which forces her to do something she would rather not do, in order to save her own life. Maisie should participate in a contest for the marriage of Dorian, a Fae killer, and she must kiss him so he will die. Even though Maisie doesn’t want to do this, she has to. But can she hide her true intentions from Dorian? Will she succeed her mission? What if feelings get involved?

Although Kiss of the Selkie is a retelling of The little mermaid, the story didn’t always remind me of this. Even though the story features a evil creature of the sea, and a handsome boy on land, the story also reminded me somewhat of The Selection series because of the contest. Nevertheless, Tessonja Odette has completely given her own twist to this fairy tale.

Although Kiss of the Selkie can be read as a standalone, the story has several elements from Tessonja Odettes earlier books. For example, the relation between Maisie and her stepmother. In my opinion it would be best if you’ve read Heart of the Raven Prince, before reading Kiss of the Selkie to get a better image of the full story behind Maisie.

Although Maisie and Dorian have their own personalities, they also both share their secrets from the past. I personally think the two go very well together, and the secrets they share seem to make them stronger. However personally I liked both of these characters less than I did with Tessonja Odette’s other main charachters. This made that I liked this book just a little less than I hoped I would.

The book has an uplifting romance throughout the story. And while this didn’t come as a surprise, this was a very nice addition to the story. Tessonja Odette has a great writing style, so I wanted to keep reading throughout the whole story.

I am again very surprised by this book by Tessonja Odette and can say that I am a big fan of her books. Even though I found this part a bit less good than her previous books, I am really curious about what else this series will bring and I am looking forward to the next part in the series which will feature the huntsman as main character.

Engelse boeken, Recensies

Heart of the Raven Prince

Heart of the Raven Prince – Tessonja Odette – Crystal Moon Press

Waardering: 4.5 uit 5.

Onder mijn recensie in het engels is mijn recensie in het nederlands te vinden.

Heart of the Raven Prince is the second part in a series of fairytale retellings. In this second installment of the Entangled with Fae series, the story of Cinderella is retold.

Ember is used by her stepmother as a maiden, and wants nothing more than to be free. A bargain with her stepmother causes that she won’t be free until her 19th birthday. During a glamour shopping trip for the ball, she runs into Prince Franco and doesn’t get a very good first impression. On the ball Princess Maisie calls her, and wants to strike a bargain. Ember will pretend to be the princess so that Maisie can escape. Meanwhile, Franco keeps thinking about the girl he met in the alley. Will Ember be able to hide her true identity from Franco? Can they keep their fake relationship going, and what if feelings come into play?

Although Heart of the Raven Prince is a retelling of Cinderella, the story didn’t always remind me of this. Ember is the classic Cinderella figure, due to her relationship with her stepmother and sisters. In addition, Ember hides by wearing a glamour of Princess Maisie. This allowed me to recognize the fairy tale. Tessonja Odette has completely given her own twist to this fairy tale.

Although Heart of the Raven Prince can be read as a standalone, the story has several elements from Tessonja Odettes earlier books. You might already know Prince Franco from The Fair Isle trilogy as well as Queen Nyxia, Evelyn and Aspen. In addition, Gemma and Elliot from Curse of the Wolf King are also featured in this book. This makes this book really feel like an addition to this series.

Although Franco and Ember have their own personalities, they also both share their dangerous side. I personally think the two go very well together. Both know how to stand their ground and strive for their own freedom. The book has an uplifting romance throughout the story. And while this didn’t come as a surprise, this was a very nice addition to the story. Tessonja Odette has a great writing style, so I quickly flew through the story.

I am again very surprised by this book by Tessonja Odette and can say that I am a big fan of her books. This makes me very curious about what else this series will bring and I am looking forward to the next part in the series called Kiss of the Selkie. This story will be a retelling of The Little Mermaid and will star Princess Maisie.

Heart of the Raven Prince is het tweede deel in een serie vol met hervertellingen van sprookjes. In dit tweede deel van de Entangled with Fae serie word het verhaal van Assepoester herverteld.

Ember word door haar stiefmoeder gebruikt als hulpje, en wil niets liever al vrij zijn. Door een overeenkomst met haar stiefmoeder zal ze pas vrij zijn op haar 19e verjaardag. Tijdens een winkeluitje voor het bal, komt ze prins Franco tegen en krijgt ze een niet al te goede indruk. Maar wanneer ze tijdens het bal door prinses Maisie word geroepen, sluit ze een overeenkomst. Ember zal zich voordoen als de prinses, zodat Maisie kan ontsnappen. Ondertussen is Franco erg benieuwd naar het meisje dat hij tegenkwam in de steeg en wie hij heeft horen spelen tijdens het bal. Zal Ember haar ware identiteit voor Franco kunnen verbergen? Kunnen ze hun nep-relatie in stand houden, en wat als er gevoelens in het spel komen?

Hoewel Heart of the Raven Prince een hervertelling van Assepoester is, deed het verhaal mij hier niet altijd aan denken. Ember is het klassieke assepoester figuur, door haar verhouding met haar stiefmoeder en zussen. Daarnaast verbergt Ember zich door een glamour van prinses Maisie te dragen. Hierdoor kon ik het sprookje herkennen. Tessonja Odette heeft totaal haar eigen draai weten te geven aan dit sprookje.

Hoewel Heart of the Raven Prince als standalone te lezen is, kent het verhaal verschillende elementen uit haar eerdere boeken. Zo zou je prins Franco al kunnen kennen uit The Fair Isle trilogy evenals koningin Nyxia, Evelyn en Aspen. Daarnaast komen ook Gemma en Elliot uit Curse of the Wolf King in dit boek aan bod. Hierdoor voelt dit boek ook echt als een toevoeging in deze series aan.

Ondanks dat Franco en Ember hun eigen persoonlijkheid hebben, delen ze ook beide hun gevaarlijke kant. Hierdoor vind ik persoonlijk de twee erg goed bij elkaar passen. Beide weten hun mannetje te staan en streven naar hun eigen vrijheid. Het boek kent een opbouwende romance gedurende het verhaal. En hoewel dit niet als een verassing kwam, was dit een erg leuke toevoeging aan het verhaal. Tessonja Odette kent een fijne schrijfstijl, waardoor ik al snel door het verhaal vloog.

Ik ben weer erg verrast door dit boek van Tessonja Odette en kan inmiddels wel zeggen dat ik groot fan ben van haar boeken. Hierdoor ben ik ook erg benieuwd wat deze serie nog meer gaat brengen en ik kijk dan ook uit naar het volgende deel in de serie genaamd Kiss of the Selkie. Dit verhaal zal een hervertelling van De kleine zeemeermin worden en in dit deel zal prinses Maisie de hoofdrol spelen.

Engelse boeken, Recensies

The Fair Isle trilogy

The Fair Isle Trilogy – Tessonja Odette – Crystal Moon Press

Waardering: 4 uit 5.

Onder mijn recensie in het engels is mijn recensie in het nederlands te vinden.

This review might contain spoilers

The Fair Isle Trilogy is a complete collection in one book. It contains 3 previously published books by Tessonja Odette. These books are To Carve a Fae Heart, To Wear a Fae Crown and To Spark a Fae War. I hadn’t read a single book in the trilogy myself, so the whole story was new to me. However, I am already familiar with Odette’s writing style after reading Curse of the Wolf King. I really liked this book, but will this trilogy be just as good?

The trilogy begins with To Carve a Fae Heart. In this part, two girls are chosen as brides for the Fae King and Prince of Autumn. In doing so, they must abide by a treaty to prevent a war between the Fae and the humans. Evelyn doesn’t believe in magic, but what if she and her sister Amelie are chosen as brides? Will they be able to fulfill to the treaty in time? Can she trust the Fae?

To Carve a Fae Heart is a very nice start to the trilogy. This book is fluently written and Tessonja Odette really knows how to captivate the reader in this story. The story has love, but also hate. In addition, the story has a very good build-up, with a cliffhanger at the end. I couldn’t wait to continue reading the trilogy after I finished this book.

To Carve a Fae Heart is followed by To Wear a Fae Crown. Now that Evelyn has fallen in love with Aspen, the Fae king of Autumn, she does everything she can to keep him as close as possible. But when both the Fae’s and the people’s counsil turn against him, all seems lost. What do they want from Aspen? Will this be a harbinger of an imminent war? Can Evelyn help and protect Aspen?

In this part, you will learn more about the relationship between Aspen and Evelyn. You will also learn more about a number of humans. This story has much more betrayal and action than the first part, and is therefore a fitting middle of the trilogy. In this part you will also be introduced to some other courts, such as Lunar. The story slowly builds up to a spectacular and unexpected ending, which made me very curious about the next part.

The trilogy ends with To Spark a Fae War. After Evelyn’s true heritage is revealed, the line between friend and foe seems to get smaller. The war is coming, and Evelyn seems to be the only one who can stop this war. Meanwhile, Evelyn must learn more about herself. Together with Aspen, she must stand up to the enemy and protect her people. But who can she trust in this? Can she stop the war?

The trilogy closes in a spectacular way. The story has friendship, love and family, but also hate and revenge. The story is full of action but also has a lot of magic. In this part the story comes together into a whole and Tessonja Odette manages to tie up all the loose ends. So I really enjoyed this story.

All in all, The Fair Isle Trilogy has been a huge success. The trilogy is well structured and maintains enough tension and mystery throughout the three parts to grab the reader’s attention. This edition contains four beautiful illustrations, each showing the accompanying story well.

I am pleasantly surprised by this trilogy, and I am certainly curious what else Tessonja Odette has in store for the reader. Because one thing is certain: this author knows how to write a great fantasy!

The Fair Isle Trilogy is een complete collectie in een boek. Het bevat 3 eerder los uitgegeven boeken van Tessonja Odette, namelijk To Carve a Fae Heart, To Wear a Fae Crown en To Spark a Fae War. Ik had zelf nog geen enkel boek uit de trilogie gelezen, waardoor het gehele verhaal nieuw voor mij was. Echter ben ik al wel bekend met de schrijfstijl van Odette na het lezen van Curse of the Wolf King. Dit boek vond ik erg goed, maar zal deze trilogie net zo goed zijn?

Het boek begint met To Carve a Fae Heart. In dit deel worden twee meisjes gekozen als bruiden voor de Fae koning en prins van Herfst. Hierbij moeten ze zich aan een verdrag houden, om een oorlog tussen de Fae en de mensen te voorkomen. Evelyn gelooft niet in magie, maar wat als zij en haar zus Amelie worden gekozen als bruiden? Zal het hun lukken om zich op tijd aan het verdrag te houden? Kan ze de Fae wel vertrouwen?

To Carve a Fae Heart is een erg leuk begin in de trilogie. Dit boek is vlot geschreven en Tessonja Odette weet de lezer in dit verhaal echt te boeien. Het verhaal kent liefde, maar ook haat. Daarnaast kent het verhaal een erg goede opbouw, met een cliffhanger aan het einde. Ik kon dan ook niet wachten om verder te lezen in de trilogie toen ik dit boek uit had.

To Carve a Fae Heart word opgevolgd door To Wear a Fae Crown. Nu Evelyn verliefd is geworden op Aspen, de Fae koning van Herfst, doet ze er alles aan om hem zo dicht mogelijk bij zich te houden. Maar wanneer zowel de raad van de Fae als van de mensen tegen hem keert, lijkt alles verloren. Wat willen ze van Aspen? Zal dit een voorbode zijn van een aanstaande oorlog? Kan Evelyn Aspen helpen en beschermen?

In dit deel leer je de relatie tussen Aspen en Evelyn beter kennen. Daarnaast kom je meer te weten over een aantal mensen. Dit verhaal kent veel meer verraad en actie als het eerste deel, en is hierdoor ook een passend midden van de trilogie. In dit deel maak je ook kennis met wat andere hoven, zoals Lunar. Het verhaal bouwt zich langzaam op tot een spetterend en overwacht einde, waardoor ik als lezer erg benieuwd werd naar het volgende deel.

De trilogie word afgesloten met To Spark a Fae War. Nadat Evelyns ware afkomst is onthult, lijkt de lijn tussen vriend en vijand steeds maar kleiner te worden. De oorlog is op komst, en Evelyn lijkt de enige te zijn die deze oorlog kan stoppen. Ondertussen moet Evelyn steeds meer over haar eigen leren. Samen met Aspen moet ze opkomen tegen de vijand en haar volk beschermen. Maar wie kan ze hierin vertrouwen? Kan ze de oorlog stoppen?

De trilogie sluit zich af op een spetterende wijze. Het verhaal kent vriendschap, liefde en familie, maar ook haat en wraak. Het verhaal zit vol actie maar kent ook erg veel magie. In dit deel komt het verhaal samen tot een geheel en weet Tessonja Odette alle losse eindjes aan elkaar vast te knopen. Hierdoor heb ik erg genoten van dit verhaal.

Al met al is The Fair Isle Trilogy een erg groot succes geweest. De trilogie kent een goede opbouw en blijft gedurende de drie delen genoeg spanning en mysterie houden om de aandacht van de lezer te trekken. Deze uitgave bevat vier prachtige illustraties, die elk het bijbehorende verhaal goed weergeven.

Ik ben blij verrast door deze trilogie, en ben dan ook zeker benieuwd wat Tessonja Odette nog meer voor de lezer in petto gaat hebben. Want een ding is zeker: deze auteur weet hoe je een geweldige fantasy moet schrijven!