Engelse boeken, Recensies

Stars May Burn

Stars May Burn

Alice Ivinya

Stars May Burn #1

June 10, 2024 by Devika

Waardering: 3.5 uit 5.

Alice Ivinya starts of a brand new series with Stars May Burn. This book is dark fantasy with a slow burn romance. For me Alice Ivinya is known for her retellings and this book will feature the Beauty and the Beast fairytale. This is one of my favorite fairytales, so I am excited to see how this story will be twisted into Stars May Burn. What does Alice Ivinya have in store?

A mourning widow and a a tough general. She just lost her husband a few days ago and now he wants to marry her as soon as possible, forcing her into a new marriage. Kasten is the illegitimate son of the king and therefore a thread to the crown. Sophie is mourning her husband and needs some time, until he chooses her. Everything seems normal, except for the decission to marry within just days of the funeral. However, thats when this book takes a strange turn.

Kasten really was pushing for this marriage, not even giving Sophie time to mourn. He brings her to his estate and then just ghosts her! He isn’t around much during the story, except for the chapters with his point of view. Even though his chapters just seem to be about the war. He thinks he saved Sophie from an unhappy life, but leaving her alone after you just married her? I don’t get it. Luckily Sophie soon seems to have found her place and is enjoying the gardens very much.

The storyline itself was good. The balance between life and death is real in this book. Everything must be done to protect Sophie even if that means to die. Kasten is a real fighter. Both Sophie and Kasten have someone they want to revenge, making this book also a bit more dark.

I enjoyed reading Stars May Burn. However the major plot hole with Kasten ghosting Sophie makes this book isn’t as magical as Alice’s previous books. I do see lots of potential in this book and hope this will grow out to be something magical in the next parts. Because of the plot hole, I can only give Stars May Burn a 3,5 star rating.

*Disclaimer: Thanks to Alice Ivinya for a digital review copy in exchange for a honest review

About Stars May Burn

Some stars shine. Others cause the world to burn.

With Lady Sophie’s husband still warm in his grave, and her reputation stained from being unable to produce an heir, the last thing she expects is her father to arrange a rushed wedding. The groom is none other than General Kasten, the illegitimate son of the King.

The same man who is feared and hated by the entire realm.

Still, she has been trained to be the dutiful wife and accepts her role without complaint. Yet how can she hope to be the spouse she is expected to be when the General is frequently absent and seems to be hiding dark secrets that cause her curiosity to burn?

Kasten’s luck is running out. With the King and his court eager to see him dead, he knows he must marry or risk his lands falling into the wrong hands. His plan seemed a simple one; marry the woman he has always secretly admired but keep his distance to avoid forming an attachment. After all, he will likely be dead within the year.

No need to cause her unnecessary anguish.

It doesn’t take long for Kasten to realize he’s misjudged the beautiful widow. Sophie misses nothing and is learning dangerous truths that could get them both killed. Kasten has always been willing to lay down his life in the name of peace but he will not allow them to harm her.

To keep his bride safe, he would burn the kingdom to the ground.

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